How Do Municipal Councils Work Together?

How Do Municipal Councils Work Together?

As we move through the “dog days of summer” and what an absolutely beautiful summer it has been, we are starting to prepare for our municipal and school board elections in October.  The candidates across the district have been nominated, acclaimed in some cases, but...

The Race Is On For Some Municipalities

The race is on!  With nominations for the upcoming municipal elections closing last Friday, there appear to be a number of individuals that have put their names forward to serve.  Whether it is for the Mayor’s chair, municipal councils or school boards in the various...

PC Majority for the next four years

PC Majority for the next four years

Last week, after many months of campaigning, Ontarians’ have elected a majority PC government to lead us, over the next four years.  Looking back over the past few months of the election campaign, no doubt it will be remembered as one of the more memorable albeit...
